Monday, December 8, 2008


Well, the time has come again. The day of joy, peace and fun for most people in the world. Businesses will see earnings increase and many people will find shopping to be such a chore and blah blah blah. Yet, we must not forget that this is really a time to share, a time to love and a time to do good deeds to others. I'm not talking about giving a huge donation to those needy people (although that would be highly appreciated) but to roll up your sleeves and to reach out to those in need. Yes, volunteer your time and effort to the different causes that are out there in the society.
How many of us actually do something for others that do not benefit ourselves? As a society on the whole, many of us have become takers instead of givers. Many of us have heard the phrase "It is more blessed to give than to recieve", and mistakenly think that it only refers to our money. In my opinion, time is more precious than money, so we should volunteer our time instead.
For my part, I'm going to be helping out with a Christmas party for children later in the week and will be doing some carolling as well if it goes well. Maybe you should also think of volunteering your services too, as nothing can replace the joy of seeing people being blessed by your actions.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Lately, I've been feeling bouts of restlessness in me. The need to do something earth-shaking and history-making has been welling up in me. I do not know exactly why, but it's just that it's there.
Reading the news about the terror attacks in Mumbai and the political unrest in Bangkok makes me want to go and help those people who needs help, to alleviate those in suffering; to reconcile those who need to have peace brokered into them. Yet, I do not need to look far to try and make a difference in the life of others. If you seen a person on the streets, looking as though he/she did not have a decent meal in a while, would you just look the other way? No, I do not believe that human beings as a whole are so apathetic. However, we can be part of the "Crowd effect" syndrome. That means that if there are a crowd of people around a person in need, they'll expect others to be the one to offer their help instead.
For me, I reject this notion that others will help instead. For if we do not take the first step, who will be the one to take it? So as people, we must not forget the basic foundation of what we are meant to be, which is to love.