Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Outlook to life

Well, been a while since I updated on this blog. It's due to the fact that not only am i swamped with schoolwork, but also I also have no inspiration to post anything up.

Now that I've embarked on a new journey on my life, I realised how blessed I have been in my past. With all the support from my friends around me, I was able to go through my tough spots time and again. Thank you for always being around when I needed your help. There are times when I might look fine outside, I most likely am actually crying, raging, rejecting people around me. Just being around them make me feel more at peace and more joy will enter my life.

Looking back at all the good times we've shared made me wonder if there were more things that we can do to enhance our quality time together, but i'm not complaining at all. All of the people around me have moulded me, changed me, enhanced my thinking and actions. Letting me be who I am and not who I should be is more important in my thinking.

Now, with new people to meet, with new faces to interact with; new changes to my schedules. this would make me a better person I believe. As I have said, a change to a new environment is not a door closed, but a door opened for new opportunities, new experiences and new outlook in life. Thanks guys for making an impact in my life!!!